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Super Step's Comments - Page 1413

Finished Halo: Silentium

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 05:03 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Judicial processes, first part going too slow, sci-fi ... if I didn't know better, I'd think you were describing Episode I: The Phantom Menace, but I'll take your word on it getting better, and what the hell, I actually liked that movie as a kid. lol

Changes to my Blogs

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 03:11 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I need to start thinking of random shit to ask people to fund on Kickstarter and maybe figure out a way to get Google Blogger's Adsense to give me money for what I write on here when my staffmeup and mandy applications don't pan out. I mean your blog was entertaining, I say let's all go for it, and ask for a cut of Pixlbit revenue.

In all seriousness, I've never even had Ad Blocker and rarely even notice ads on here. The one time I did it was for something I actually cared about (Red Robin coupons), so it is a lot better than 1up's pop-up extravaganza now that you mention it.

Look forward to your thoughts on Twinsanity; never played it, but I'm down for a "tear it to shreds and burn it" negative review, those are always the most fun to read.

GLaD 27: Ghost Trick, 999, or Hotel Dusk? & Wax Lyrical Wednesday

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 03:06 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm leaning towards that myself. Thanks for the input!

GLaD 27: Ghost Trick, 999, or Hotel Dusk? & Wax Lyrical Wednesday

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 01:38 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Only got the start planned out, but it might be about life and our experiences and emotions in general, though I know I'd have to narrow it down to only a few main characters to make that compelling; sort of a different take on The Giver if you will, though that wasn't my direct inspiration, and my philosophy doesn't match perfectly with what seemed to be that book's author. It is one of my favorite books though, and that's the best example I can give for a rough idea of where my head seems to want to take things after the first chapter. 

Maybe it'll turn into the "alternative" "dystopic" future novel I've been wanting to write that would be my counterpoint to a lot of tropes I've come to see in dystopic future novels and the way people react to them. It's very new in my head, so I'm just going to start writing and see where it goes really.

Oh, and thanks for suggesting 999! Any opinions will help my decision.

Updates and Buys Vol. 1

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 12:25 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I really need to play Darksiders when I get a chance; it gets a lot of love on here, and God of War and Zelda sounds like a hell of a combo.

Hear that? That's the sound of Square Enix not making money

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 12:20 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm not surprised Sleeping Dogs didn't do well, considering how little I've heard of it. You're right about why North America doesn't get certain releases though, internet hype does not always profits make.

What is All the Bravest, that another movie thing like they released in the FFVII universe?

Binary Domain: Rise Of The Robots?

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 12:16 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yup, and from the trailer asrealasitgets posted, I thought it looked amazing, and actually had a cool, clean aesthetic for its future, as opposed to the ugly greys and browns and blacks usually put together to make ruins in dystopic future games.

Can't pass up $9, too bad I don't have a computer or anything else that could play it.

GDC: Metal Gear Solid V.... The Phantom Pain! :o

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 12:12 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Looks awesome, but of course it would, it's MGS. I still need to play 3 and 4, though.

Also, great track from Garbage, I'm gonna look into buying that album, as "Blood for Poppies" was one of my favorite songs last year, and this one fit the trailer perfectly. "The World is Not Enough" is one of my favorite Bond songs, only fitting this becomes a favorite of mine as far as MGS licensed music.

PAX East was fantastic. Discovered Ascension!

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 12:03 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Can't say I'm a card game player, but glad you discovered it, and PAX and that Drop The Beat Like an Ugly Baby game especially sound awesome!

Random Update 3/27/13, the birthday edition

Posted on 03/28/2013 at 12:00 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Your boring life? You kidding, all I did was go to my favorite pizza place for my birthday with family, no concerts or homemade maple syrup, nor new arcade finds. lol That's not to undermine my own birthday, I had a great time and great gifts were received, but yours certainly doesn't sound boring. lol

Happy belated birthday and I look forward to that Jed interview!

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