Doesn't work. That site is flagged by our blocker as a malicious site. :( I can still get on through the staff wireless right now.
Definitely the latter. I need to break my day up
I've set it up. I'll see if I can use it tomorrow
If you want Ascension. Log into your account from a PC and "buy" it there. From a PC you can get all of the PSN+ stuff no matter what system it is for.
The first Grandia is very good. I'd like to see an update kind of like they did with Wild Arms to Wild Arms Alter Code F.
I love the Anciients Album. I haven't gone further yet. Might listen to more Leprous later coz I haven't made it through all their stuff yet.
Great review. I didn't know that this game existed.
ok, I'm looking for each of these (except for Leprous which I already have all of) starting with Anciients. Found it on Apple music. Not the best sound but at least I can give them a shot.
I only play single player games so this doesn't really apply to me except to say that if I have to create a character it is always male. I only play as a female in games where the protagonist is female e.g. Silent Hill 3, Primal, Beyond Good and Evil.