Cheers! Never played Daxter, and never finished 3. I finished the first two multiple times and I think I got half way through 3 before my PS2 died. I personally love 2, but that may just be nostalgia talking.
Cheers! Never played Daxter, and never finished 3. I finished the first two multiple times and I think I got half way through 3 before my PS2 died. I personally love 2, but that may just be nostalgia talking.
I played a little of it on release but it was pretty broken tbh. I couldn't get past the first level it was that buggy.
And the Infamous series is pretty fantastic - especially number 2.
Indeed. And really? Sure, the Parkour is broken as fuck and the video power isn't as cool as neon or smoke, but I'm still enjoying it. Granted, I'm only at the lantern district, but still.
Yeah, Bilby's not much of a blogger. She's mainly too busy playing this weird lion game constantly.
For you, Matt, I'll take anything ;)
Indeed. And it's Hugh Laurie back to using his awesome native accent. I mean, I like House, but I prefer his British accent over his American one.
And the game itself is fantastic. Word of warning though: The load screens seem to take forever on the PS4 version, so I can't imagine what they'll be like on PS3.
Oh shit! Haunting Ground! I forgot that game. I remember loving it ages back... I should play it again if I can track it down...
I never finished it though, so I can't say I encountered the horror you did.
Yep. Fuck that game!
Damn straight. I actually didn't mind it, mainly because we rarely get good "proper" sci fi in cinemas anymore.
So Big Hero 6 is worth watching? It's only just come to cinemas here.