Its a very good rpg cary i would highly recommend it although its still pricey it retained its value for a long time. :~)
Its a very good rpg cary i would highly recommend it although its still pricey it retained its value for a long time. :~)
Yes sir all three are awesome although Yargz is going to rant cause i have not put Lost Odyssey on my list yet lol!!!
Well add me to the shame cause i have not finished either to but i did beat Xcom and playing it now i love this game.
Oh lord you doing a Darksouls reveiw mmmm do you have a way to get 6 stars on a 5 dtar rating system cause if you can you will vause im pretty sure this game will be a. 5/5 cause what i have read and seen of it we will love it, and im sure you will give us a honest and awesome reveiw,
Secret of mana by far the best in the mana series, i have fond memories of that game.
No its on the list lol!! Im just doing three must owns a week but trust me its on the list and not in any particular order.
According to the sign im guessing explosive lol!!!
Me neither but tge story in this game is incredible i hear.
Catherine is one of thoughs games that will never be duplicated and i see it being collectable in the future, and Operations Darkness is a must buy awesome game even though the reveiws dogged it, and you are correct dont loose anyone lol!!