Ha! Funny blog, and I love HISHE!
Ha! Funny blog, and I love HISHE!
Nothing wrong with aping Smash Bros. if it's done right with its own unique style. Haven't played it, but want to.
I had that same problem of finding my character on-screen in Smash, though. lol
^To be specific, I did Ska/Punk (the fusion of punk or pop-punk music with horns sections, basically) Saturday today, might consider doing just ska once or twice though.
I do like the idea of "anything can happen" though, as my music tastes are very diverse as well.
I'll be honest, shred is not necessarily my favorite, though I do love the occassional tune from Steve Vai ("For the Love of God"), Joe Satriani ("Surfing with the Alien" is ok, plus he trained Kirk Hammett), or especially "Cliffs of Dover" by Eric Johnson (I know their names and a couple songs, but I opt for vocally driven music, mostly, Chickenfoot was decent), but I do love the relaxing nature of these Hodsworth tunes, and hey, Metal Fatigue has lyrics even! lol
The more music the merrier I say!
I always wanted to play these, so I'd be fine with them bringing it back.
That controller looks awesome, too bad the others are HOW MUCH?!
I'm sorry you've had to put up with that. When I was growing up, it was still nerdy, but ultimately it was just something the guys did that the girls thought was stupid. Not really harmful to anyone, just one of those "boys are dumb" things, which I can only imagine dateless Gamestop employees are now getting their vengeance on you for, unaware you actually like games. lol
My mom still is the computer teacher at my old middle school, and from what I'm hearing, now it's a lot of the girls drawing anime and playing games, though I'm not sure if that still makes them nerdy or not to their peers.
While having been an Assistant Hall Director last year (and I'll be honest, not getting out much, but not being much of a gamer at the time, note my long hiatus from 1up before downloading Sonic CD on my Android) made me want to smack most of the incoming Freshman, I'm glad at least my generation now laughs at things like this, which might partly be what inspired your mom's D&D fear:
I live in TX, but have Wisconsinite parents/family, and the coolest (not weather-wise, awesome-wise) place I visited was Boston the summer after their 04 World Series win.
Somehow, I feel I can adapt to most of anything, probably in part due to this indisputable fact:
Well, my bad. But hey, I love the Scandanavians, so that's cool!
Yeah, I'll be honest, Snee, there's a few things you like in electronic music I have a similar reaction to. lol Radiohead comes to mind.
To each thier own though, there is something for everyone.
Though I don't like RTS, I feel your pain in disagreeing with reviewers about things. Though my tastes usually fall in line with the review aggregate sites for the most part, there's always the one or two where I say "oh come on, that wasn't so bad," or "that was amazing and you're all wrong!" or "that was terrible, stop sucking the production company off with your reviews."
Just tell your friends to always remember that the scores don't really matter to you as a consumer, so much as why they are what they are.
Roger Ebert didn't like Kick-Ass because of Hit Girl and its offensiveness, I loved it because of Hit Girl and its offensiveness.
Reviewers are people too, and different things bother them than what bothers you; always at least skim the text when using reviews to help your decision.
Of course, it's also possible that a lot of these sites are short-staffed, and the game was reviewed by people like me that don't like the genre, anyway. Unprofessional, but it happens.