If you liked Resident Evil 4, I can't recommend it enough. It's basically a combination of it and Silent Hill. And I really need to get back to Persona Q. I just tend to forget I have a 3ds sometimes...
If you liked Resident Evil 4, I can't recommend it enough. It's basically a combination of it and Silent Hill. And I really need to get back to Persona Q. I just tend to forget I have a 3ds sometimes...
Alien Isolation is a slow burn, but that slowburn pays off rather well. It's a triple a horror game does subtlety really well. It's just a shame about the second half of the game.
I am. I heard it's like Euro Truck Simulator with lasers.
So it's good? Dear god I need that game!
That's unfortunate. Was it the first level that was on there? Because the game does get much better from there.
Vanquish IS awesome. Very busy though, so it might annoy some people.
Yep. That's where I heard about it too :D
And that would be awesome, but Sega are collossal dicks so it'll probably never happen, just like we'll never get a PC port of Condemned 2.
Yeah. Risen 2 is unfortunately the worst in the series. It's not the worst game ever, but it is buggy and filled with poor design choices.
The 2013 version or the 90's one? Both are good. Well, the 90's one is the hardest game I've ever played, but both are awesome.