I haven't watched E3 live. I always just catch the trailers later. I should though; be less annoying to just have all the trailers in one place, cause a lot of stuff I think looks interesting doesn't get as much coverage.
I haven't watched E3 live. I always just catch the trailers later. I should though; be less annoying to just have all the trailers in one place, cause a lot of stuff I think looks interesting doesn't get as much coverage.
Hope you can get it, Cary!
No panda? Boooooo!
I find I prefer intimate shows for artists I know really well and big productions for bands who have yet to impress me.
Loving the song you posted in the comments.
It could have been Africa ... I'm beginning to think it was Africa. I really need to look this up.
I definitely have different tastes than you; Mario 2 is fine, I can just never figure out where to go. Zelda II ... not a fan.
I love this. Urgent, but so catchy.
I do remember! Meant more recent episodes, as I wasn't aware of those until this blog.
I still need to finish the original Bayonetta.
I never played the 3DS Luigi's Mansion, but I do have a soft spot for the Gamecube original.
I was honestly pretty skeptical when the only thing revealed about Metroid Prime 4 was a title card.
I thought Mario valentines already existed? I could be wrong, but I thought I remembered them years ago. Maybe I'm crazy. I think they were cards as in the size of baseball cards though. I could very well have just created a memory out of thin air ...
I really want official Yakuza valentine's cards, but I know it's not gonna happen.