I might def buy this if it is still on sale on friday, thanks for the info :)
I might def buy this if it is still on sale on friday, thanks for the info :)
I feel differently concerning bayonetta for the fact that they even said if Nintendo hadnt of become involved it wouldnt of happened at all. So in that situation I can understand but Crystal was set to make a sequel beforehand and it was even being said to be multiplatform, then I can prolly figure that Microsoft gave CD a lot of money to make it console exclusive. Bribing and sketchiness is what I sense from this very thing. hell the letter itself reeks of it. Im hopeing in the end it becomes timid exclusive and we see it on the PS4.
I felt the same way, I couldnt effing believe but low and behold it was in the conference and not to mention on tumblr they released a statement concerning their decision which I included in a edit update on this blog. I swear Im sooo effing mad -_-
Im hopeing its deep down a timid exclusive and PS4 eventually gets it. It still of course would be a good option for atleast PC to get it.
Im glad to hear they were nice, there are some good cops out there but discerning whos good or corrupt is the real name of the game.
I have a PC I actually have a Alienware Laptop too. I however love consoles because I dont have to buy upgrade parts during its life cycle. I pay one price and its set for the next several years. Im hopeing it becomes a timid exclusive type thing but at the same time Im doubtful.
Tomb Raider did release alot of its games on Playstation systems but honestly if this has started out as a exclusive to a console then I actually wouldnt be angry. Its just soo effing infuriating that they released the first game multiplatform and then slap all of us with the second being an exclusive.
Its all over youtube, they announced it at Microsofts gamescom conference today. It sure aint no rumor sadly :( Apparently since we are getting the sequel to lara croft and the guardian of light their hopeing it will suffice for the rest of us. This just angers the fuck out of me.
Ya, but you have to remember this is my first souls game. I havent played any of them till now,lol.
Excatly, it being an accident is one thing but purposely misleading is just a crappy thing to do. Hopefully this teaches them a big lesson.