I was sort of excited until the realization kicked it that it wasn't really a game yet. I think 5 years sounds about right given past performance. We'll probably see it on the PS 5.
I was sort of excited until the realization kicked it that it wasn't really a game yet. I think 5 years sounds about right given past performance. We'll probably see it on the PS 5.
I might have one or two of those around myself. Should do some comparisons.
Hey James, it's always good to hear from you. I see you on PS3 from time to time. Try to drop a line once in a while. :)
When I have the choice I'm siding with reading over playing recently.
I stand corrected Jet Force Gemini is part of it.
The announcement of backwards compatibility was kind of cool but we'll see if it catches fire or fizzles out like the Xbox compatibility on 360.
I'm hearing comparisons to PS Now but I'm not sure that makes sense. Having the game local is 100 times better than streaming over a laggy internet while killing your download cap.
Good to hear that you are keeping busy and the volunteering is very good to have under your belt. Slaughterhouse 5 is one of my favourites. It's been a long time since I've read it though. Now that I'm doing a lot more reading (from nothing to a book or two a month is a lot more I guess) I may read that one again.
Rare Replay might be the one that changes my mind about buying an Xbone. Of course both would have to be used so I'm not giving any money to Microsoft but that could happen. LOL
While we're on the subject of Rare Replay Grabbed by the Ghoulies? Seriously? That game was absolutely terrible. Jet Force Gemini would have been a much better choice. Otherwise I think it has all the games on Casey's wishlist.
LOL. How's the trip going?
Great pics Chris. I don't even know the way to San Jose. :(