James, yes it is. I took those screenshots tonight. I dont want to have spoilers but the reason Paz slaps Snake to the ground is hilarious! Go to youtube and find a video of it. it's funny!
James, yes it is. I took those screenshots tonight. I dont want to have spoilers but the reason Paz slaps Snake to the ground is hilarious! Go to youtube and find a video of it. it's funny!
I went back and read your previous blog. My condolences for the loss of your Mother. but yeah, now is a good time to move and change your life-routine...the new apt sounds like a winner. I hope and Im sure everything will turn out for the best. Good Luck!
James.....hahahahaha. I've lost count as to how many times you've played ME...but, you played them in order I bet! hahahah
You need to slow down...you're getting dark rings around your eyes!
Homeless... good, so Im not alone! Hahahaha. Guns of the Patriots is an awesome game. You will enjoy it. and dont listen to all the nay sayers who complain about the long cutscenes...you can skip them. I just recommend you watch them your first playthrough. Also it has a level in the game that almost made me cry...almost.
James! Six children....good for you. You will appreciate those 6 children when you are old and feeble...they will take care of you!
I've havent heard of this game either...but then again out of the many PS2 games released Im sure there are hundreds I've not heard of.
Matt, I can understand me doing it with games I havent played. But I've played and beaten all three Killzone games....hahahahah. I'm losing it!
I have Vice City for the PS2. And Ive been meaning to fire it up since I just bought it late last year at a garage sale. And I also love 80s music. Lately it seems that's all Ive been listening to.