Posted on 07/03/2013 at 03:20 AM
| Filed Under Blogs
My issue isn't so much with what he says, but how he says it. It's nothing but him talking down to his audience. I didn't say she ever said games were evil nor did I think she was ever trying to take them away, I thought they were bad for basically trying to get blood from a turnip.
Yeah, the trope exists in early games, but it exists as an extremely simple way to communicate with the player why the character is going through these tasks. And with limited technology, "Get the girl" is about the easiest way to communicate that when story is just an afterthought.
His video, white knighting, acting like the only people who have something against her are idiots immediately thinking she wants to "take away our video games"? Yeah, I've got a problem with that. Frankly, it's just a matter of him not respecting our audience, if he wants to think the videos are good and present an argument for that, so be it. The way I read it at least was another one of Bob's videos where if you don't agree with him, you're an idiot.
Anita really only bothers me on two issues. One is the recent ME which is by far the lesser of two evils and the other is how she flat out ignores much worse issues. The American military has a system where women are extremely likely to be sexually assaulted yet no one is persecuted for this. I had to do a paper on that subject and couldn't even make it through a documentary because they got so bad. If she used her fame to help that, she can says whatever the hell she wants about games.