Yea, there's a rhythm element to it. I had thought 2 and 3 were downloads only but one day I was at Walmart and they had boxed copies on sale, so I grabbed them.
Yea, there's a rhythm element to it. I had thought 2 and 3 were downloads only but one day I was at Walmart and they had boxed copies on sale, so I grabbed them.
Holy cow these girls make a lot of noise when they fight. And what's with that smooth jazz music going on?
I love Dr. Strange and watched that animated film. It was cool. I want more Dr. Strange though and he hasn't had a comic in a while. He was in the Defenders series though, but I want a staring role.
Hulk vs. Thor is great! Hulk is separated from Banner and can't be stopped? He beats Thor silly? What's not to like. I loved it.
Linking to flickr gives you a whole slide show of my pics there instead of just the one pic. I'm not sure why it's done that way now.
I'd love to find a cool manga to add to my comics pickups every week. I've read some of the Culdcept manga once. That's about it. I'd like to know about more of them.
That is frickin' awesome! LOL What kind of dino scream is that?
How about Charlie Day of Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the mad scientist in Pacific Rim and Benny The 1980's Astronaut Guy in LEGO Movie.
I think there should be an NES themed controller for all systems.
I so want to be in the desert right now. Warm, dry, just wandering around taking pictures. F the world.
The box set is pretty cool, if I didn't have physical copies of II and III already.