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SanAndreas's Comments - Page 165

Cary's Top PlayStation Games!

Posted on 02/28/2015 at 05:59 PM | Filed Under Blogs

My PS1 was pretty much a RPG machine, and how. Its RPG library was probably bigger than the RPG offerings on every console that came before it put together. Because I didn't have a lot of RPGs on any other computer or console I had at the time, I sort of went buck-wild on it.  FFVII got me to jump ship from the N64, and Square's other RPGs as well as games like Lunar 1 and 2, Breath of Fire III, and Tales of Destiny and Destiny II (Eternia) were icing on the cake.

Resident Evil 2 was probably my favorite non-RPG game on PS1, but as a genre, fighting games were the other genre I went for on PS1. From Tekken to Rival Schools to Bushido Blade to Ehrgeiz, I had plenty of fighters on PS1.

Donkey Kong Country is back!!

Posted on 02/28/2015 at 05:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'd say the DKC games getting yanked from Wii's VC probably did have something to do with legal issues between Nintendo and Rare/MS, and the two parties came to some sort of agreement so that Nintendo could post them on the Wii U VC.

First Impressions: Klonoa

Posted on 02/27/2015 at 09:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Klonoa was the only PS1 platformer I gave a damn about. I rather liked it. Otherwise, the N64 was my go-to system for the genre in the late 90s.

Don't Trust Creepy Uncle Nintendo Kids! BaD#16

Posted on 02/23/2015 at 07:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Bleh. I hate the F2P (aka Pay To Win) model. It's completely destroyed whatever little interest I had in Android and iOS as gaming platforms. The game is artificially gimped in order to prod you into paying for getting around the gimped parts, essentially asking you to pay NOT to play the game. I can not play the game just fine by not downloading it to begin with.

A Very Lazy Sunday

Posted on 02/23/2015 at 07:41 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Lots of seafood. Crab cakes and other crabmeat dishes are especially popular here.

A Very Lazy Sunday

Posted on 02/22/2015 at 09:35 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, I love Rudy's. They had them in Oklahoma, but not in Maryland. :(

Retro Game of the Week: Shenmue

Posted on 02/21/2015 at 07:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I tried this a couple of times at store kiosks. Looked interesting, but I think the concept wasn't quite ready for prime time. Since then, I've become a fan of the Yakuza series. It isn't quite like Shenmue (more emphasis on adventuring/fighting and it has an almost RPG-like structure to it), but I think it fits the bill. I'd like to see the Yakuza team try a reboot of Shenmue.

General nonsense

Posted on 02/18/2015 at 09:53 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I have friends in Boston (and Maine, of course), and I've been to New York City three times now. As far as the West Coast goes, I've traveled the entire length of I-5 from the Mexican border in San Diego to the Canadian border in Washington. At some point I would like to move to California, it's an amazing place.

General nonsense

Posted on 02/18/2015 at 09:51 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, it's cold. Not quite as cold or snowy as New England, but it's still cold for someone used to 60-70 degrees this time of year. :)

General nonsense

Posted on 02/18/2015 at 09:32 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Hey, now, in our defense, it's still a much shorter drive from MD to Maine than it is to Florida (even to Jacksonville at the FL-GA border), and Baltimore is a part of BosWash, after all. And while it isn't near as snowy here as it is in New England, it's still never been above freezing since I got here. :)

Besides, our perceptions of "west" have changed, too. When the Constitution was ratified, the "western frontier" referred to the Pittsburgh area, after all. They weren't even thinking about places like TX, AZ, or CA back then. :)

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