Fantastic idea! You know how you wish Naughty Dog would work on something better than Uncharted and there were more suvival horror games? This will fix both those in one go.
Fantastic idea! You know how you wish Naughty Dog would work on something better than Uncharted and there were more suvival horror games? This will fix both those in one go.
I understand that. Especially since they're both about an older guy trying to protect a young girl. When you're ready for more zombie goodness though, Last of Us is pretty damn incredible.
I think it'll fit into the list of games that thrilled you just fine.
Naughty Dog's been pretty vocal since the beginning how you fight both zombies and humans here. Gives the game good variety both in story and gameplay.
I have MP3. If you can just hop on Steam while we do to send me instructions, I'll help you out with it.
Agreed. The writers really Brittad it.
Hell no! 4 U all the way!
Project Spark is a really cool idea but the only thing that can convince me to get an xbone is if they start treating customers with respect
It does look a lot better now.
Might be best to wait for a price drop anyway