I only got to play sapphire a lil bit growing up so Im excited as well for these games. It will give a hance to explore them more even if it is different from the original game.
I only got to play sapphire a lil bit growing up so Im excited as well for these games. It will give a hance to explore them more even if it is different from the original game.
I saw the finicial news and its seems everyone is struggling because Sony is too, not with its gaming area but with other areas of the company. Nintendo I def think ill bounce back intime, They got several games coming that will hopefully pic the sales up. Not to mention E3 is right around the corner so if they play their cards right they should bring more people in.
LOL! I just noticed that mistake
Im def grabing them, i might even grab both. Been contemplating grabing Y once I finish the league on X.
Im def excited for this, it shocked me at first and I thought it was a joke. E3 should def be an exciting time this year!
No prob, glad I could give ya a laugh!
Its all good, Im gonna keep looking, I still have my job at goodwill so I atleast have something.
Yes Jamie I am, it will eventually give you a quest that requires and ingame purchase to complete. You dont have to do it, its still on my side bar. Several characters are locked behind real money buys and the recent clown quest had several items real money locked.
I unlocked Meg too and Im prolly gonna play it to that point as well where all the characters are unlocked but thats it. I gave the clown quest my best shot, i failed of course.
Normally Lee there not this up in your face about in game trancations. I honeslty dont buy apps on my phone, I dont think that highly of phone app games yet to be fleshing money out to them. I should have figured though that the Family Guy one would do that though.
Its pretty weird but I do think there is a connection to fustration and headaches. I dont the electronic dvice does much in headaches for me, i typically dont sit too close to my tv when playing games. My sister has eye problems from doing that when she was a kid watching cartoons.
Thats a really good sell, I might see if I can run any of them on my comp.