I thought she was hotter before though. Looked a lot like sarah Palin. Say what you want about her, she was one hot politician.
I thought she was hotter before though. Looked a lot like sarah Palin. Say what you want about her, she was one hot politician.
I liked what I saw from Second Son. Really like the mountain area
The Order's a cool idea but I need some gameplay before I can judge it
mot liking that about Mirror's Edge 2. Hope it's what I wanted the Tomb Raider reboot to be and not like the actual TR reboot
I'll be sure to check it out. I like your E3 blogs because they always show me something cool I didn't even know existed
I loved the size of Xenoblade so I am very excited to see what they can do with more power.
Bayonetta 2 was not the reason I bought a Wii U but it's certainly a very nice perk.
Pretty sure you posted this a few times at 1up actually.
Metal Gear Rising really is awesome. It's definitely my GOTY so far with Sly 4 and Bioshock Infinite trailing closely behind. I'm most excited to see Destiny at E3 games wise but am excited to see PS4 most of all.
Anyone else on board for Steam U next gen?