They will when the thing flops. No way people will buy into this.
They will when the thing flops. No way people will buy into this.
People may be mocking the Wii U right now, but it doesn't restrict our gaming time through online or used policies and will have a definite stream of first party exclusives. Nintendo's got their shit together compared to MS. And that's just sad.
There is way too much I don't like about that game to sum up in a comment. Just don't buy it.
I've been playing it a ton these past few days. Really glad I got it.
I just heard about Mob of the Dead, but it seems to be getting a lot of attention.
You really do. Everyone should get a 3DS
CoD's not my favorite still, but I'm digging zombies. Think Skyrim's great so far.
I didn't like Oblivion either.
I think it's fair to compare them since they're almost the exact same game in different worlds. Though I do like Fallout's leveling a lot more.