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Super Step's Comments - Page 169

Yet Another Damn Sale

Posted on 12/28/2018 at 10:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

At $5, I thought now was a good time to snag it. Those past-tense words make my sentence gramatically incorrect. I'm leaving it, but I want you to know that I know. It would have taken much less time to just replace the past-tense words with present- tense words, but I wanted you to know that I know about grammar. 

But now I'm starting to question myself. Maybe what I initially wrote is just fine. I wish not to look it up. It might ruin me.

Thank you, kind stranger, for nothing and everything at once. 

Top 5 of 2018 Past and Present

Posted on 12/28/2018 at 05:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I only own FFVI, but I'm definitely not going to get to it before Secret of Mana and Super Mario RPG on the SNES Mini. Like you, I played X and thought it seemed solid, but ... Glad you liked FFXII. So is the rule the first Final Fantasy game you FINISH becomes your favorite?

I only played Meg Man X and Mega Man X2, but man that collection sounds great. 

I'm considering getting a Switch, since there are now at least three games I want on it (Smash, Mario, Zelda).

Agreed re: Bloodlines. I've been on a huge Castlevania kick lately and I really want to play that one. Pretty sure I prefer the classic style. 

I keep waiting for Celeste to go on sale, but the praise is so high it might be another Shovel Knight situation where I get tired of waiting and just jump on it. And it WAS on sale recently, just not on PS4, which is where I really want to play it. Actually, it was on sale on PS4, but I looked the wrong week (before all my Christmas money made me less worried about my budget). That damn game ... 

I don't have PSVR, but you and Playstation Access have praised it so highly I'm tempted to get it just for that game. 

I thought Spider-Man was a really good Spider-Man game, with most of the pluses and minuses inherent to most Spider-Man games. One day, Spider-Man will have less tedious side content (not saying it was bad, but definitely got repetitve after a while). One day. 

I still need to finish Dawn of Sorrow and Order of Ecclesia on DS (Either Portrait of Ruin or Lament of Innocence was the first Castlevania I beat). 

I definitely think motion controls are the way to play Okami, like you said, since on PS4 every time the brush is involved I just wonder why I'm being forced to use it. 

Castlevania ... Mania ... and Spyro

Posted on 12/28/2018 at 04:58 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm trying to play and purchase mostly games I can jump into right now. I kept thinking the problem was having too many games to play, but back in the day I rented WAY more games than I actually owned, and I probably bought as many for the same price as what a Blockbuster rental used to be. 

The kicker for me is I used to make Zeldas my "dive-in" games and everything else was pick-up-and-playable. So I think I might keep buying games on sale, but buy one BIG game every year ... which I basically did with Horizon last year and God of War this year and it hasn't really helped. 

Castlevania ... Mania ... and Spyro

Posted on 12/28/2018 at 04:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

There's a bundle with the Crash Bandicoot trilogy you can buy that on sale is a really good value. I'd have got it if I hadn't received both trilogies as Christmas gifts. 

100 Steam Games

Posted on 12/28/2018 at 04:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Never heard of Fanatical.

Cool. I'll either send you a request or accept yours, whichever comes first. Gotta get some stuff done before New Year's. 

100 Steam Games

Posted on 12/28/2018 at 04:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Haha thank you. 

And yeah, I consider Humble Bundles a charity expense and I've certainly saved money relative to buying new games. I actually felt better about the money I'd spent after looking into it. Half of these aren't my fault and/or benefitted the greater good! 

100 Steam Games

Posted on 12/28/2018 at 04:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thank you. 

I think I'll keep it at 100 for now. 

And that was exactly my reaction, like "where the fuck did all these games come from?" Now that I can actually see where, it makes sense I'd miss getting Complimentary items and there were several games in the Humble Bundles I wasn't really wanting.

100 Steam Games

Posted on 12/28/2018 at 04:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I really should have asked for a review copy ... oh well, now my review will be from the perspective of someone who paid full price, so I can definitely say whether it's worth that or not. 

100 Steam Games

Posted on 12/27/2018 at 11:10 PM | Filed Under Blogs

It's about $2.58 a month. Not bad, but even then I could budget better considering how many of these games are just sitting there. Sealed

100 Steam Games

Posted on 12/27/2018 at 11:09 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've more or less decided to not worry about the games I haven't played yet. They'll be there when I'm done with everything else. 

Having said that, the amount of games I have for current gen platforms may keep me from buying new consoles going forward. 

If PC gaming truly is cheaper in the long run, I may stick with it. We shall see. 

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