Posted on 12/28/2018 at 05:15 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
I only own FFVI, but I'm definitely not going to get to it before Secret of Mana and Super Mario RPG on the SNES Mini. Like you, I played X and thought it seemed solid, but ... Glad you liked FFXII. So is the rule the first Final Fantasy game you FINISH becomes your favorite?
I only played Meg Man X and Mega Man X2, but man that collection sounds great.
I'm considering getting a Switch, since there are now at least three games I want on it (Smash, Mario, Zelda).
Agreed re: Bloodlines. I've been on a huge Castlevania kick lately and I really want to play that one. Pretty sure I prefer the classic style.
I keep waiting for Celeste to go on sale, but the praise is so high it might be another Shovel Knight situation where I get tired of waiting and just jump on it. And it WAS on sale recently, just not on PS4, which is where I really want to play it. Actually, it was on sale on PS4, but I looked the wrong week (before all my Christmas money made me less worried about my budget). That damn game ...
I don't have PSVR, but you and Playstation Access have praised it so highly I'm tempted to get it just for that game.
I thought Spider-Man was a really good Spider-Man game, with most of the pluses and minuses inherent to most Spider-Man games. One day, Spider-Man will have less tedious side content (not saying it was bad, but definitely got repetitve after a while). One day.
I still need to finish Dawn of Sorrow and Order of Ecclesia on DS (Either Portrait of Ruin or Lament of Innocence was the first Castlevania I beat).
I definitely think motion controls are the way to play Okami, like you said, since on PS4 every time the brush is involved I just wonder why I'm being forced to use it.