At the time I sat down to create a name, I was reading transmetropolitan and in love with Metro 2033. So, I created a portmanteau of sorts.
At the time I sat down to create a name, I was reading transmetropolitan and in love with Metro 2033. So, I created a portmanteau of sorts.
I keep forgetting about the Transformers thing. I meant to try and write something up for that.
I have definitely watched Shaun of the Dead and loved it. The zombie aspect of that film is an automatic turn-off for my wife, so I will never watch it with her.
This was quite entertaining.
I completely understand the Pinterest thing, and it doesn't just happen to stay at home moms. My wife mentions a new recipe that she would like me to try. I ask where she got it from... Pinterest.
I am starting to wonder if I should stop visiting those sites that seem to over-sensationalize the supposed "problems" in gaming.
If I had to sum up my experience with Mirror's Edge in one sentence, it would probably be similar to what you said. However, I start to ramble and will not be able to stop after a sentence.
I almost got the Humble Bundle, but then I remembered I got a couple of them before and all of the games sit in my steam library untouched.
How did you know that my main source of sustenance is gourmet tacos? That sounds awesome, so good luck.
My essay was for the school that I attended and they threw lots of money at me for it. I find it interesting that I was the last one to recieve that big of a scholarship. I have been debating going back to school, but there are so many other things that I want to do right now.
I almost backed Retronauts, and am happily enjoying the fruits of that Kickstarter. The guest on the most recent episode was awesome. I will say that I probably would not have this "extra" money if I had a kid.
I am not to keen on watching the Walking Dead. I would much rather read the comic book, even though I have yet to get past the 6th issue.
They just released Shadowrun Returns on iOS last week or so.
I used to watch movies on a daily basis. I would buy movies on a daily basis. The last time I actually counted my movies, I was well over 400 physical copies. I have since had to move a handful of times and have sold off a couple hundred. Nowadays I prefer 25-45 minute stories that TV shows have.
As far as kickstarter, I got a copy of Shadowrun Returns, a poster that I am not allowed to hang for The Banner Saga, and Boss Monster. I backed The Name of the Wind playing cards because of the gorgeous artwork and hope to have those around Christmas.
I did a lot of exploring and collected nearly all of the pieces of heart by the time I had started on the bosses.