I really hope this comes out here and adds to the many great 3DS games on the horizon.
I really hope this comes out here and adds to the many great 3DS games on the horizon.
I agree, the demo was a lot better than I expected. Might give it a shot.
I can agree to an extent. I've been playing games on pc for a little while now, and I love it. I plan on building my own gaming PC in the near future. That said, I think consoles will always have a spot, especially when it comes to my tastes.
haha, now that sounds awesome. Unfortunately for me, the first WWE/WWF game i played was Wrestlemania 2000 for the N64 which was fun, but i was very young and didnt really understand it other than I liked to kick ass with the Rock, lol.
Seriously though, that crowd system sounded great. I hope they eventually take that into concideration. Sadly, I cant imagine them making too many large improvements. There are a ton possible, but I don't know, I just imagine a minor improvement here or there. We'll see I guess.
WWE 13 surprised me with the wealth of options at the players disposal. The gameplay was also solid enough to keep me entertained for hours on end. Not to mention the ability to dowlnoad CAW's is just awesome for someone who likes to make zany matchups. My only gripe is that after beating Attitude Era mode (which was really well done) there is nothing to do. One of my favorite things about a game like WWE Day of Reckoning 2 (which is currently my favorite WWE game) was that there was a huge story mode surrounding your created wrestler with character progression and choices. If they can add that to the next game, and make some of their other features easier to use (like create a story) i think they will have something great.
yeah that place was annoying.
I did beat ToGf though, I enjoyed it but its not my favorite in the series. It doesnt get more challenging that that area though.
yeah, i felt the same way about the Budokai Tenkaichi series of DBZ games. Tenkaichi 3 was, in my opinion, the best DBZ game ever and all they needed to do was add things like character customization and stuff but nope...they just ruined it on the next gen platforms.
That train situation def seems like a bad omen
But yeah man, good stuff. El Shaddai def looks interesting. The demo was trippy, but cool.
I got a chance to try the game at NYCC. Unfortunately, the demo was in Alpha and it ran kind of below par, which put me on the fence with this one. Looks like they fixed it up a lot though, and I'm pretty excited to give this one a try. Hopefully its good.
Well, the story has an action/adventure vibe and lets you explore different villages and stuff, but I agree that they should take some new directions.