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Lukasz Balicki's Comments - Page 18

Western Versions of Yakuza 3 Loses Some Content

Posted on 02/24/2010 at 06:09 AM | Filed Under News

While it's a shame that the Western versions are losing some content, I'm not that concerned that the Japanese quiz show is being cut.

The hostess bar is a weird cut since if I remember correctly, the hostess bar was included in the US version of Yakuza 2. I have a feeling that Sega really wanted to expedite the translation and unfortunately that means some content had to be cut.

Rage Saved My Life

Posted on 02/21/2010 at 10:59 AM | Filed Under Feature


Tatsunoko vs. Capcom Arcade FightStick Review

Posted on 02/18/2010 at 04:37 PM | Filed Under Review

@ Caliban

If I remember correctly, SNK's response to why Metal Slug Anthology doesn't support the Classic Controller was, "What's a Classic Controller?"

Episode 15: Wild Tangent

Posted on 02/17/2010 at 06:46 PM | Filed Under Feature


What's interesting is that Starcraft and Warcraft 3's online modes are still up and running. Those games came out ages ago. It's really absurd that a paid service gets shut down in 6 years while free online serves for blizzard titles that have been up for a decade or so are still running strong.

Also, don't get me started on EA's annual shutdown of online servers for games just look at how many online servers they shutdown in total, granted most of the titles are annual sports titles but the point remains valid.

There's a New Staff Writer at PixlBit!

Posted on 02/14/2010 at 07:25 AM | Filed Under Feature

That other guy?

XSEED Games Offering Preorder Bonus for Fragile Dreams

Posted on 02/14/2010 at 07:24 AM | Filed Under News

GameStop tries to secure exclusive trinkets, dlc, or cheap promo items to boost preorders. Next to selling stuff used, pre-orders are a big profit priority for GameStop. Especially since that they will be more than happy to buy the game back from you when you are done with it and then sell it to another person used for a big profit.

I'm purchasing the game from GameStop due to a 15% code glitch that's only supposed to work on new games in stock. My order will end up cheaper than it would than any other retailer and the soundtrack is just the icing on the cake.

Games I Can Barely Wait For: Perfect Dark XBLA

Posted on 02/13/2010 at 08:21 PM | Filed Under Feature

Technically Microsoft made a lot of "expansion RAM" like the over priced wireless dongle for and overpriced harddrives :P

THQ Reveals Mysterious Darksiders Promotion

Posted on 02/13/2010 at 04:15 PM | Filed Under News

Right when I purchased Red Faction Guerilla for $19.99 this promotion gets revealed, just my luck. Oh well, looks like Darksiders will be a budget purchase for me now.

Games I Can Barely Wait For: Perfect Dark XBLA

Posted on 02/13/2010 at 04:13 PM | Filed Under Feature

I bet not even the power of Perfect Dark 1 can get Nick to purchase a Xbox Live Gold subscription ;).

flOw Free on PSN Today

Posted on 02/13/2010 at 10:53 AM | Filed Under News

I downloaded a copy today. This week Nintendo Downloads and PSN rocks!

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