That's what I love about Pixlbit. I find most of the reviews here are "fair" and keep "political correctness" out of the equation. Even when I disagree with reviews on this site, I can still understand why the reviewer in question felt the way he or she did because everyone here is articulate and decent enough at getting across their points.
I admit my big deterrent for most Suda 51 games is their length. Aka, they tend to run a bit on the short side. Still, I've been eying Lollipop chainsaw and Shadows Of The Damned quite longingly now they've dropped in price. lol.
One thing I enjoy about being an indie game-maker is that I don't have the pressure put on me to conform. It's admirable Suda 51 stays himself even with all that aforementioned pressure put upon his shoulders by the mainstream gaming media.