Sleeping Dogs is fantastic. We need more games set outside of the US, and we need more kung fu action games!
Sleeping Dogs is fantastic. We need more games set outside of the US, and we need more kung fu action games!
Need to get rid of my Iphone and get android. Apple = shit.
It's an awesome rpg/strategy game with an emphasis on authentic medieval stuff. It's all kinds of awesome.
Mount and Blade for free? FUCK YES!
The scary animals mostly live in the middle area where it's uninhabitable anyway haha. I mean yeah we get scary snakes and spiders in urban areas, but there are very few deaths from snakes per despite being a decent amount of bites. The truly scary stuff lives in the water though...
And you pulled the fuckers legs off and then rolled him down a hill and used him as a platform. He was just killing you because it either thought you were a threat or it could feed you to it's young. You tortured the fucker.
Well if we can get a reliable group together I'd be happy to. I'm not super comfortable speaking, but that's probably due to lack of experience/not having prepared anything for that podcast.
I tried to start a pixlbit podcast but it fell through. And yeah, it is their show though, I'm the guest. And they are far more charismatic than I am.
But thanks :D
I need Etrian Odyssee in my life but I can't find a copy of any of them in Australia.
Oh, and Glitchiker is free, and a really cool David Lynchian car driving game. And if you need Indie games in your life, this is a good site for finding them: There's some free stuff, and some "high profile" indie games, but the free ones are decent quality from what I've seen.
Oh, and another recommendation: Ziggurat. Like Hexen mixed with Binding of Isaac.
Still. what you did to that spider was kinda cruel...
Indeed it does. Here's my review of it:
Spoiler, it got a 9/10. You should totally get it :p
Also, all my recommendations are for indie games that came out this year.