I feel sorry for the spider in Limbo. Man, that was brutal.
Oh, and I did the survey.
I feel sorry for the spider in Limbo. Man, that was brutal.
Oh, and I did the survey.
6180 the Moon isn't too shabby. It's far from amazing but it's a neat little puzzle game.
Legend of Grimrock 2 will be on my GOTY list, as will Anomaly 2 (if that counts).
Glitchikers is amazing if you like fully narrative experiences without heaps of gameplay.
Always Sometimes Monsters if you like EVERY choice you make to matter.
Only thing here I've read is Locke and Key, and those are pretty sweet.
Not really haha. I'm not a massive fan of it. It is outdated and I think I've got better but oh well.
Indeed it was. I posted it to IGN a while ago, it just got put up recently for some reason.
Where are the ones that say I'm a console pleb?
I see both two, but I'm going to say actual positivity makes up roughly a 5th of the comments here.
Most of it isn't constructive. It's just people telling me I should keep my opinion to myself, that I'm wrong, or that they hope they never see my face again. I think I'm done with writing for now.
Yeah thanks. Pixlbit is the best internet community I've ever been a part of, hands down.
I meant as a whole games are products rather than art, but art exists within the world of gaming. There are games as art, and games as dumb fun.
I totally agree with the middle ground thing. Dark Souls was a great modern example of this I feel.
Anyway, I've been reading hate filled comments for 3 hours straight. I need sleep. I apologise that this comment isnt the reply it probabluy could hgave been.
Yes, it is my opinion. People seem to think because IGN promoted it that it automatically means that I think I'm god and that everything I write I write as objective fact.