Hmmmm. I believe all the Switch has actually proved is that people are down with the NINTENDO console experience on the go. No evidence this would translate to Sony or MS as well. These are all different brands, Nintendo more different from the other two than the other two are from each other. One of these things is not like the others, so it follows that what works for one of these things would not or might not apply to the others.
I think the way that SonySoft would attack this is to double down on hardware power. But this is a simple minded strategy that has proven to be unsuccessful in the handheld market. There are other factors to consider like presentation/packaging, ease of use, software environment, brand reputation and perception, etc. Would they pursue a "badass" presentation and "multimedia center" concept instead of the "light and fun" presentation that, at least I believe, suits the handheld market better? The centerpiece games on the Switch so far are two colorful, lighter hearted games, (BotW relatively so, but LoZ has always been a bit "darker" than Mario) not the DOOMs and Skyrims, which I consider "support" software, like Contra and Castlevania were to Mario and LoZ. They are there to provide the necessary variety alongside the centerpiece games.
Still, I could see this doing well enough to at least not be a financial loss. Switch level success, nah. I think the best approach, economically, would have some kind of WiiU like screen/control that not only transmits games from the consoles, but of course also has their own media drives. But all that other multimedia crap MicroSony like to fool with would be a pointless resource and financial drain. Keep it simple, keep it light. And other things like having different colors that present a less "aggressive" profile.
Or maybe I'm wrong and going in a more aggressive dircection would provide an alternative to Nintendo's profile that would attract its own large audience. But I see Sony taking that direction in the past and it hasn't worked out for them, although I think PSP had a quite a good number of good games.
Well if there are still enough people playing, I expect to put a lot more time into it. I have the itch.
Duuuuuuude, Hitman is one of the best deals in singleplayer, AAA you can get. Look, lately games haven't held my attention for more than a few hours each month. Hitman alone has me spending more than that on it. I need an intervention every time I get on lol