glad to have you back Aaron. It is hard to stay away fromMetal Monday.lol.
glad to have you back Aaron. It is hard to stay away fromMetal Monday.lol.
It is supposed to be Black Metal but it sounds more Pagan to me. Thanks for listening.
Sometimes.lol. I was going for about 160db- 163db but, I will not be able to drive the jeep with that type of setup for those numbers. Now I am looking at maybe 147db - 152db.
I know where I am spending my money too.
I hope to hit about 140- 150 range with that set up. I need to be able to drive the Jeep and get kids in the back. Once they get older I will wall it off and have another car. So the Jeep can be trailered.
Or chase him around the garden with a bit of wood.lol.
I can understand that.
Evile has a great sound. I loved their last album. I may do this album for one of my Metal reveiws.
LOL. you are right. GTA is another game I would rather watch paint dry than play. Or better yet I rather have piranhas clip my toenails than play GTA.LOL.