Your’s is the first of the BaD posts I’ve read. I’m amazed and delighted that this idea that started among the 1Up community was transplanted here on PixlBit and is still going strong each year. I look forward to reading yoi future BaD posts!
Your’s is the first of the BaD posts I’ve read. I’m amazed and delighted that this idea that started among the 1Up community was transplanted here on PixlBit and is still going strong each year. I look forward to reading yoi future BaD posts!
My interest is piqued. I might have to get this since you review all 3 of these games.
Pixlbit has been my oasis since 1Up went the way of the dodo. Although I haven’t written a review here in quite some time, I still want to contribute as much as I can. I love this place and I hope it sticks around.
I’d have to see the game in motion on my PS4 before passing final judgement, but yeah...the character designs do look a bit amateurish. Also, something about Axle’s new bearded look doesn’t sit well with me. He looks like a hobo. Either way, hopefully, the gameplay will win me over. I’m cautiously excited.
Agreed. Metroid II was a big moment in gaming for me. For it me it was my Super Metroid before...well...Super Metroid!
Yeah...Super Metroid was the game in series that got a lot of people hooked to the series. I remember being so elated when I saw the opening scene and showed it picking up directly after the events of Metroid 2!
Since I only tuned into the NIntendo stuff yesterday, I missed the E3 showing of the new Beyond Good & Evil game. I'm really disappointed to hear that they UBI Soft is apprarently going for that "M" rating in such a desperate looking manner. Just based on Julian's description alone, it sounds like a game I wouldn't recognize as related to the original one.
Can't wait to listen to this episode. Gotta finish up with the latest NWP first though, or else the jump in order in my Podcasts will drive me nuts.
Stage Select:
1. Lakitu (first Super Mario Brothers game)
2. The Joker (NES Batman)
3. Every character in Blaster Master 2, including Jason and the SOPHIA tank. That game was the most disappointing sequel I had ever played.
Chrono Crossing 1992:
"Sonic the Hedgehog 2"! what I would have picked had I not started playing A Link to the Past last week. Although, as of this writing, I am only about 1/4 through the game now (right after Agahnim pulls you into the dark world), I've been won over fairly quickly.
The simplistic sword fighting mechanics are great, the music oh so nice, and I'm a sucker for that sense of adventure I get from Zelda games!
Sorry Sonic 2...I love you, but I love A Link to the Past more, and I haven't even finished it yet!
Microsoft may want to rethink the naming convention of future Xbox consoles."Xbox One X" just sounds kinda lazy to me at this point.
Strange as it seems to me, the only E3 coverage I'm truely interested in is Nintendo stuff. 5 or 6 years ago, I never would have thought that Microsoft and especially Sony could lose my interest, but they just aren't as interesting as Nintendo.
I still can't believe I'm saying this.