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leeradical42's Comments - Page 20

Natural Doctrine not broken just very Hard!!

Posted on 12/02/2014 at 08:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Darth definitely a game you would want to buy and its affordable I got my copy new for $30 but you can get it around $20 used and in a few months cheaper then that unless it does like Cross Edge and has a very limited run.

Natural Doctrine not broken just very Hard!!

Posted on 12/02/2014 at 08:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yes snee but Nick hit the facts awesome it doesnt explain how you have to play to succeed its all about the link system especially the defending links and man that first boss was a doozy huh lol!! Tongue Out

Natural Doctrine not broken just very Hard!!

Posted on 12/02/2014 at 08:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

And Nick this is Very true I think you hit the nail on the head the poor tutorial is the problem here yea it shows you the jest of it it doesnt explain the depth and complexity of the game this games tutorial just sux and if you figure out how it works its awesome but most people are not going to stick with it just people like me who really like these cult following strategy games will actually figure it out and by the way I am getting better but the game is hard, but the reveiws in my opinion if your not going to do a non bias reveiw and be honest with all facets then dont reveiw it leave it for mainly rpg or strategy sites and by the way Nick thats why you do such an awesome job with pixlbit because you explained this the way the reveiwers should have instead of saying its a broken game say it like you did the games flawed due to a lack of information on how to play lol!! Thats why I thought Chris Yargz would be great at it since he likes the genere but thanks for clearing that up thats why im a dedicated gamer on this site because you do a awesome job here thanks.. Wink

So I'm a Vita owner now, er, well sort of

Posted on 11/30/2014 at 02:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Damn even Peter got a 3DS I guess I have no choice but to get one especially since Atlus & Nis are making me want one more and more lol!!

Understanding Your Metal Genres: Progressive/Avant Garde

Posted on 11/30/2014 at 02:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Man I love all metal generes from progressive to avant garde to death , goth metal as well it really comes down to the band and there style but im so versatile in music I can find good in all styles. And Tool & Dream Theater rocks they have a bunch of stuff I like.Cool And I might add I can play the drums excellent to just about anything tool plays love look Blake I responded to one of your blogs so I expect you to to respond to mine Tongue Out

Natural Doctrine Dont Buy Into The Crappy Reveiws

Posted on 11/30/2014 at 01:55 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I dont know the state of the game before I bought it but I do know I downloaded a patch for it but if snee said it was broke I would have to beleive him but the uneven battles do make it a difficult game.

Mothman And The Friday That Was Black - The Haul

Posted on 11/29/2014 at 12:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Im glad black friday is reaching you Peter its ironic you snagged two games I want Tales of Xillia 2 and Dark Souls 2 I want them to along with The Evil Within and Alien Isolation oh and I want this matching Xbone & PS4 as well its my favorite colors black & green.

         So Sweet Rock Star black & Green PS4 & Xbone systems

Natural Doctrine Dont Buy Into The Crappy Reveiws

Posted on 11/29/2014 at 08:57 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I do like it snee but you are right with the balance issue if you think about the link system if you have a party of 4 then link its pretty devastating but whwn your fighting 12 goblins and they all link there attack your really at a huge disadvantage it really doesn't seem like a fair fight especially when they have the same weapons and the fact that theres no store and you have to find all your equipment and that you cant link opening a chest makes it harder but this is like a turned based dark souls cause one hit from a big creature and its game over lol!!

Natural Doctrine Dont Buy Into The Crappy Reveiws

Posted on 11/29/2014 at 05:38 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Another tip that helps me is the cover system you have to use guard alot kinda like overwatch in xcom there is creatures in this game that can kill you in one hit chaining guard is essential and when you move your main character always put your ranged characters close behind your melee characters but like I said earlier the chain system is a catch 22 yea its works great until its the enemy, s turn and when your out nubered 10 to 1 in some cases its almost completely unfair but the 1.4 patch for it came out and is supposed to fix the balance issue so we will see.

And snee are you using the battle decks what your thoughts on this but I do respect your opinion on this as unlike other reveiws I think yours will be good since you know how to play these games and take the time to at least learn the game =-)

Natural Doctrine Dont Buy Into The Crappy Reveiws

Posted on 11/29/2014 at 05:20 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The game is unbalanced I agree with the chain mech its cool but then you realize that the enemy uses the same chains and with you out numbered 10 to one it feels very unfair but a patch was released that supposedly fixes this issue we shall see but the game over all is fun in my opinion of course this is the type of games I thrive on. And im pretty far into the game I havent beat it and had to restart alot but no deal breakers as of yet.

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