I honestly don't know. It was probably something like Donkey Kong on the atari, or Jumpman or Space Taxi on the C64. I do remember the first game that I beat on the NES was Super Mario Brothers.
I honestly don't know. It was probably something like Donkey Kong on the atari, or Jumpman or Space Taxi on the C64. I do remember the first game that I beat on the NES was Super Mario Brothers.
Yeah, I thought it was really neat. Made me nostalgic, and now I can't get the song out of my head.
No problem. I actually did play some mega man last night after getting the end of the song stuck in my head!
I've seen alot of talk about it on other sites, just not this one. Ign has had several features on it in the last couple weeks.
I downloaded it the day it came out. When it was new I remember renting it for weekend and really liking it, but I hadn't played again until I recently got it. I'm currently only a few hours in, but I am really enjoying it. It has a very cute, nostalgic vibe to it that makes you miss childhood. The fighting is really simple, but not really any more so than most old RPGs.
I’m currently in the middle of playing several right now (Earthbound on WiiU, Assassins Creed 3 on PS3, the Third Birthday on Vita), but going by the question asked, I last played Persona 2:Innocent Sin on the Vita last night before going to bed. I’d give it a 7. I really enjoy it, but it’s not great.
On the other hand, I think that some people are way too suspicious and cynical when it comes to all DLC. Yes, all of it is made to get more money, but that could be said about every game in the first place. I feel certain that a lot of DLC would have never been put in the game in the first place if DLC wasn’t an option. They would have just made the game and moved on. But now they have the option of allowing the developers to continue working on content for the game they just made that enhances the game for those that loved it enough to pay for more of it.
Personally, I rarely buy DLC. There are rare occasions where I want to keep playing the game enough that I’ll spend a few more bucks. People say that back in the old days people were content with playing the game they were given. I agree with that, but at the same time, if I was given an option to buy new bosses in Mega Man 2, or a couple new boxers in Punch-Out, I would have jumped on it. And I’m sure that if the internet existed back then, people would have been bitching about how if it wasn’t for the option of DLC, Mega Man 2 would have originally included 16 bosses instead of 8.
Not sure if I was playing mario brothers yet (I think we got that later), but I was playing alot of atari and commodore 64 games at the time. I remember loving mario brothers when we did get it. It was a really fun game to play with my brother.
We also had frogger 2 for C64 and I really enjoyed it at the time, but since I haven't played it in many years I don't know if it was actually a good game or not.
Nice review. I'll have to check this game out eventually. I really wanted to get it when I first heard about it, but then a few reviews I read were kind of hard on it, which made me hesitate. I had actually kind of forgotten about it.
The normal, or medium, setting. Basically because I like a challenge but I also don’t like a game to be unfairly difficult.
I also believe that in most games, the normal difficulty setting is what the game is designed around, so in choosing “easy” or “hard” I’m not getting what is intended. I’m just playing a game where they just jacked up (or down) the enemies hit points, weapon damage, etc.
Good luck. Oddly enough, I once dated a girl who asked me out first, was interested in linguistics (got her masters in that), and had no interest in video games. We're still together after almost 10 years, so I can honestly say there might be some potential!