LOL! No need to get offended good sir, I would never question that of you,lol!!!!
LOL! No need to get offended good sir, I would never question that of you,lol!!!!
Your crazy man! I dont know how you do it but I have to smash them with something heavy. I have trantula living with my because of my nethew. Im not thrilled with it,lol. Like I told Chris getting on a ladder a lot helped break me of it, maybe it can help yall!
I had that fear myself and while I stll get a lil freaked out over it, Walmart did help break me of it to some degree. I had to get use to getting on a ladder so its not has bad anymore. Id just try working on it every few days, might help you feel less like that on a ladder.
It just, no!!!! It dont work that way, I tell people all the time, you think their harmless until they get on you and bite. I got bite by a brown recluse as a child so its just a no,lol.
As long as your happy Snee then everything is good ^_^.
Im perfectly content beng fearful of spiders, I have trained my aim pretty well at a distant with heavy objects,lol. *You might think im joking, Im completely serious*
LOL! Cary is Joe rubbing off on you?
He actually does look like that,lol
Joe...just...idk what to do with you anymore,lol! If she does does know martial arts then ya she is prolly somene to be fearful of,lol
I actually loved Jericho on PS3, and Im prolly one of the few who do. The story was interesting and and I didlike the characters. I am really hopeing Clive is still wanting to make the sequel, last I read on it he was.
I totallywant this game, your making it worse Lee!!! lol!
I still have to play the previous entrys even though I have no clue how except for City I can get on the Wii U. I did play the first one when I had my PS3, just never got to finish it.I am however prolly going to get it for the PS4.