damn! Yet another blog I'll miss out on given my system's lack of proper volume apprciatation for such works. I'll have to try to get to this later when I know I won't get into trouble. =)
damn! Yet another blog I'll miss out on given my system's lack of proper volume apprciatation for such works. I'll have to try to get to this later when I know I won't get into trouble. =)
I didn't even realize that they were doing this with Ground Zeros. I wouldn't be shocked if they later re-release this with the main game as a "GOTY" package in following months.
so you were able to score your free PSOne classics off the "Quest for greatness"? If so great, be prepared for another free offering later mid-march.
I would've prefered to get the FF on GBA but given I don't own a GBA (besides the micro) but since I have a PSP I thought having the FF on there digitally would work out better. Moreso with my quest for 32GB for my system.
If you start DP, try to find the patch that fixes most of the bugs. I'm told that makes the game better to play. It's really one of those oddball games that deserves to be played for playing sake. I know I'd rather play that than "The Last of Us".
I actually didn't realize I got that many games over the course of those months! Perhaps I should cut back, that is alot even most were bought on the cheap!
I'm kinda having that issue myself. I have to admit that most of them are games I only wanted due to them being on sale and plan to play them eventually over time. The Final Fantasies are a great example. They usually go for 9.99 on PSN when most PSOne Classic titles go for 5.99. Even the imports!
You have to give these games a try. You haven't faced true horror till you've played Fatal Frame! Sadly the third game never got an Xbox release, it's why I bought the thrid game on the PS2 which eventualy got me to buy the first two for the PS2.
i'm the same way. I had the chance to get Blood Dragon on XBLA on the cheap but I really wanted it bad on my PSN for reasons I hope to blog about in the future.
That game won me over during the "helicopter fly-in" scene at the beginning of the game. Predator referense FTW!
I hope you were able to score them during their sale in Octoberween. They are one of those games you should try out if only to say you had the pleasure. I can't get enough of them myself. Hopefully it'll be in the cards for me to get Fatal Frame IV and the Fatal Frame II remake for the Wii.
I think I'll go into more detail on why I despise Connecticitia/New England/East Coast later on during BaD. All I can say that Dave Chappelle and I can relate.
I try to think ahead when it comes to my HD now when it comes to my systems. I made sure to upgrade my PS3 to 1TB the first chance I got and I made sure to get the 320GB for my new Xbox 360. One of the hard lessons i've learned about this last gaming generation: memory goes fast, much like mine in most respects...