Agreed. I'm already looking forward to BaD next year. I'm gonna try and do a better job of preparing beforehand so I've more interesting things to write about.
Agreed. I'm already looking forward to BaD next year. I'm gonna try and do a better job of preparing beforehand so I've more interesting things to write about.
Yep, usually some old Mario theme being the unique individual I am
In one word: Never. I don't think any HBO shows have ever been on Netflix have they?
I'd edit this quick man. Huge spoilers for someone who's only on the second book...
Shit. Rough stretch indeed for you man. You have my sincere condolences regarding your uncle and I genuinely hope the dealership treats you fairly. I had similar dealership service issues which resulted in my car getting written off last year so I understand somewhat your mindset going in.
Uh oh, sounds ominous...
It's an expression for a reason... Practice makes perfect
Go for it! Pretty decent experience and took me about 10 hours I believe. I actually reviewed the game a few months back so check that out if you feel so inclined. That length of game is right in my wheelhouse for a dumb week or weekend with nothing else to do.
Thanks for the info. My lack of experience with a Dragoon class would explain why it didn't jump out to me. I think I'll keep spreading the wealth for now but it's good to know I can focus on my favorite's later and not be destroyed. I wasn't sure if you were forced to split up the team later on in the game
I've been severely tempted to jump back into Skyrim lately to see how my mage is getting on. I've about 70 hrs in but much like you say feel as though i've barely scratched the surface. Once I finish up this new Tomb Raider I might throw it on for a while and see if I catch the bug again