Have I shown you Diablo Swing Orchestra? If not, you should definitely check them out. They're similar to both those bands, but with more emphasis on catchiness and with no devil vocals.
Glad you liked them though :)
Have I shown you Diablo Swing Orchestra? If not, you should definitely check them out. They're similar to both those bands, but with more emphasis on catchiness and with no devil vocals.
Glad you liked them though :)
The problem is games get scored on polish. Games that innovate but are buggy or don't control as well get scored less than games that are super polished but have no soul.
A perfect example of this is Metro 2033. It's been remade now in the Metro: Last Light engine and holy fuck is it good! Fixes most of the problems with that game and now it is probably one of my favourite games of all time. However, before it was buggy and there were a few issues with the stealth and the gunplay not feeling amazing. Oh, and it had the cardinal sin of being a difficult game in 2007... so it got a 6.9 on IGN.
Yes you will get a Dragons Dogma 2. It's been promised for PS4 :p
Yeah, I discovered Akphaezya today haha. They were what prompted me to write this blog.
And the thing about Devin? You're right it does look like a Regeneration. I mean this is the guy who wrote a concept album about an alien threatening to destroy earth if they didn't give him the greatest cup of coffee ever because he's a "badass rockstar," where the main hero (captain spectacular) sets out to prove the Alien is a nerd.
His problem with Feminism is that a lot of people who call themselves feminists aren't feminists, they're just angry women who hate men. That in turn gives feminism a bad name and anyone attached to the movement is automatically shrugged off or attacked.
I don't know if you'll agree with him on everything, but he makes a lot of good points. Also, his other videos are quite funny.
Yes, there are games that do it okay, some that even do it well. I'd say The Last of Us is probably singlehandedly the best example of a female in gaming, as it shows her develop from someone who is reliant on someone else to someone who can hold her own extremely well.
However, the problem is that these games are in the minority. I guess this is why a lot of women I know who game prefer games where you can create your own character and make decisions, like Mass Effect or Skyrim.
And it is fine to have that in gaming, because it can be awesome in movies. I fucking adore Sin City and Machete, but if they were the only movies that came out I'd be pretty pissed off.
They aren't that high, but unless you play on low you'll get a huge framerate hit. Turning bloom and some other things on dropped my framerate by liek 50-70%
These too videos basically sum up my view on this whole thing. These videos don't directly relate to Zoe, but they are great nonetheless.
Here's the thing. Females criticising games for being sexist is important. A lot of them aren't saying "Ban this filth!" They're saying why can't this be better? Why is this the gold standard?
There's no reason we can't have sexy women wearing a thong fighting zombies whilst masturbating, but why isn't there better? In movies, this is a niche genre, whereas the big stuff is supposed to cater to everyone. In games, virtually EVERYTHING caters to 15-30 year old men. With more women making games and criticising games, there will be greater variety. Even if you want Ass-PocaTits 2, variety is always a good thing.
Just to be clear... I still love "misogynistic" games. I fucking adore Lollipop Chainsaw and Shadows of the Damned. There's still a place for these games to exist, it's just if we have a larger variety of people making and criticising our games we will have a greater variety of games.
Haha, if it were aimed at you, it would have been a touch more tactful.