Haha. That wouldn't be super different really since I'm sleeping on my grandparents couch.
Yeah. I know a lot of people have been there. It's just one of those things that happened so suddenly that I didn't have time to prepare for it.
It's cool man. Thanks for the empathy :D
I've got a friend who probably would but I don't want to put him out, especially since he's married now and whatnot. Ah well. It's only for 6 more months.
I'm not saying I'd do anything for click bait. I'm merely saying I understand the reasoning behind it and what drives it, and how hard it is to make money from gaming journalism.
Secondly, yes, that is the definition of a game, which is why I feel like we should fuck that term right off. Most games these days are interactive fiction, not straight up games like they used to be. We have interactive art pieces that don't really fall into the category of a game. We have games that are more about exploring a theme. These shouldn't count for any less just because our chosen medium was given an outdated term to adhere to. Might as well just call them toys then.
I don't think you're slut shaming. Infidelity and merely having casual sex are completely different things. Secondly, is there proof that she did these things or merely what an angry ex is saying? Thirdly, even if this is the case, who the fuck cares? I enjoyed Enders Game even though the author wants to make homosexuality illegal. I enjoy albums by The Who even though the singer kidnapped an underaged girl and repeatedly raped her. I enjoy music by Eminem even though he's extremely sexist.
We should judge based on the work, not the character behind the work. Plus, Kotaku are fucking hacks who can't muster up any journalistic credibility on the best of days so we should NEVER trust their reviews in the first place.
Bioshock has no fail state because of Vita Chambers. It's not a game. The Stanley Parable cannot be won. It's not a game. I think your likening it to Space Invaders and Pac Man show how dated your views of what a game can be is.
And cool. Great to know my chosen proffession is less and less warranted every day. As someone who writes stuff for a site and has been involved on the business side of things: Hell yeah we want clicks. Otherwise there's no money. I'm writing for free at the moment while our ad revenue covers the cost of maintaining the site, but there's a reason we have to shamelessly promote our work constantly. Because unless you are the type to produce content every five minutes, or incite flame wars or have click baity topics it's fucking hard to survive.
Now I'm not saying everyone is like that, but there's a reason dross like IGN and Kotaku have risen to the top.
About the game itself. I like that it's a roleplaying experience built around depression. I like that it uses energy as a mechanic and that options are blanked out if you're depressed. I believe that it's A) trying to offer something different to what we're usually used to, a scenario that video games don't usually touch upon because there's no war going on, and B) that this isn't directed at the people who have been around people with depression. This is aimed at those people who are like "Robin Williams was a fucking coward," or people who have never met a depressed person and don't know what depression actually entails. And for that, it's a good introduction.
As far as other games that deal with this go, Actual Sunlight probably tackles this better in giving you a glimpse into the life of a depressed person. That the creator committed suicide not long after the game came out is probably a good indicator that it's not a scam.
The reason something like Depression Quest got big while Actual Sunlight didn't is because Depression Quest offers hope, whereas Actual Sunlight presents depression as only having one outcome: Suicide.
Secondly, the problem of "why did this game get so popular rar rar rar..." Why did Candy Crush get popular when other games deserved better? Why do stupid games like cookie clicker get so huge? Why did WoW explode and others didn't? Simplicity. This reaches a wider audience than a fully fledged and complex game ever could. While it would be awesome to have a game like Mass Effect to deal with this topic, it wouldn't be as accessible to a wider audience, and a wider audience is definitely preferred with this subject.
"Secondly,a game cannot really teach anyone about people who experience "real depression"." So games have no real value and can't be used to put you in the shoes of someone else? That is a completely ridiculous statement.
A Raid game would be amazing! Actually, have you seen V/H/S/2? Because the director of The Raid does a short story in that about a cult with a lot of the actors from The Raid 2. I think that would also make a fucking awesome game. Seriously, he does horror really well as well, and everything he touches I think "I want to play that in a game!" Although this short is very Silent Hill-esque.