I downloaded it and played it for about 5 minutes. I did really like how the game looks, I just am not the biggest fan of auto-runners.
I downloaded it and played it for about 5 minutes. I did really like how the game looks, I just am not the biggest fan of auto-runners.
As a general rule of thumb for myself, I try to avoid nearly everything that finds itself on the top 40. So, that means that I am not a fan of Beiber. I also wonder why the heck his fans are beleibers, stupidest name I can think of.
Always like whatever MCR that I have heard. Never been a big fan of eminem, mostly because of the type of music that he makes. I had forgotten about creed, thank you for the reminder that they do exist.
Thank you for the wonderful update.
Turtles in Time or one of the Metal Slug games.
This is a list of all of the games that intrigue me, except for the open world games that you are avoiding. I am curious about watch_dogs, but will probably pass because of the fact that I have a lot of difficulty spending more than a couple of hours on those types of games.
The one game that I am looking forward to the most, the bureau, I did not see on your list. I think that my desire to play that game is because it is being developed by 2k marin, and I loved Bioshock 2.
As far as next-gen, I have no idea what I am going to get for my ps4.
I liked the demo of catherine. persona 4 arena intimidates me because of both the fact that it is a persona game, and a fighter. While I think that I should love tactical rpgs, I just have difficulty getting into them...
I think that the regret from saying something stupid is easier to wash away than the regret of finding out that all of your digital purchases were made when drunk...
I actually have the nes version that was bundled into a cartridge for the gba. It also came with the original bionic commando. I also noticed that the genesis version is on the Wii virtual console. I never figured out what to actually do in the game, so I usually gave up early on.
As far as amount of gameplay is concerned. I put just over 40 hours into Skyrim into and went away completely satisfied. I know that I could have put more time into it, I tried to restart it, but I have never gotten very far.
Outside of the Prime Trilogy, I do not expect to be able to put more than 4 hours into each of the Metroid games. I think that Metroid Fusion, Metroid Zero Mission and Super Metroid have the perfect amount of gameplay. I love being able to come back to them on a yearly basis and play through them in a single sitting, and I get the same exact satisfaction that I get out of much larger games, like Skyrim.
I have a copy on steam, but it will probably stay in my steam backlog for a good number of years.