I would be a happy panda if this made it to the East Coast! :3
I would be a happy panda if this made it to the East Coast! :3
I agree with your comment 100%! :3
It is like Face Raiders! In Denpa you shoot nets at them. I always found it hilarious that when hunting in a public place, you literally are spinning in circles or creeping up to strangers that they "land on". Ahh, the odd looks are priceless. x)
*gives Kratos xanax and cookies* There there. :3
It's honestly worth the price of download and then some! Playing a bit further into it, I'm still really happy- I thought the game was shorter than it was, but then more islands unlocked! Still fighting to see the end. P4Golden and Ragnarok/Ecolibrium are kind of eating all my time atm. x)
ahaha, adorable.
I love ragna... ;_;
I respect your decision though. If I find someone interested i'll gladly send 'em your way!
I loved D. I still dust it off from time to time and play... so many discs though for such a short playthrough! ;)