Fortunately you're in luck: https://www.greenmangaming.com/blog/the-best-upcoming-metroidvania-games/
Blasphemous looks particularly appealing.
Fortunately you're in luck: https://www.greenmangaming.com/blog/the-best-upcoming-metroidvania-games/
Blasphemous looks particularly appealing.
They're coming back to consoles in a big way. A lot of indie shmups are coming to the Switch, as well as Cave and Treasure's library, and PS4 has a neat little collection of them.
Sine Mora is really good. It's made by Suda 51's team and it's weird. Reminds me of an adults only Star Fox in the characters, and the gameplay is top notch with some time manipulation stuff.
You should be alright with the first few I mentioned. Deathsmiles has an easy mode and it's relatively painless, and Mecha Ritz you can actually die as much as you want, it just resets your score.
Still, it sucks that they gated it behind a massive difficulty spike like that.
That's fucked. Hopefully you work it out soon. I hate it when games do stuff like that.
Have you played the new Darius Burst on steam? It's actually got like 100 hours worht of content and is really great.
Have Parodius but haven't gotten around to it, and I don'y think I've heard of Ordyne.
Yeah, this game is way too difficult to begin with. Especially with the death mechanic, which should be cool and kinda is, but it's so poorly implemented and not balanced at all. Fortunately, all of these things can be fixed in a patch. It's not entirely doomed.
Give him a medal because they're awesome?
I can't drive much while on my current medication, and I can't work for another month, so sometimes I'l chuck on a chill mobile game, Diablo 3, an MMO or something mindless while I listen to them. Might work for you if you have tons to catch up on.
This was a lot of fun. Thank you so much for having me!
I don't want to eat them, but I would totally smoke the ghosts from Pac Man. They all look high as shit, so I could probably have some fun with that.
God, 3 hours and 26 mins. How much did you cut?
For Chrono Crossing I had to pick Ikari Warriors. SNK games are always brilliant, and this was such an innovative title for it's time. Plus it still looks gorgeous.
And thank you for putting my track in!