Collectors editions will be the end of my wallet.
Collectors editions will be the end of my wallet.
Yeah, still one I really need to check out, I don't get my usual awesome hjolidays yet though because I can't actually teach at the mo. I miss my 12 weeks off a year!
Oh yeah the disabled episode is awesome. 'Chairman wow'
It's ironic that out of the whole of E3, Nintendo gave me more games that I really care about.... who'd have thought eh!
This is dangerous, I'm currently at work and have a sudden burning desire to 'stick it to the man'
Yeah being true to your self is probably a better way of putting it, how it's channeled is also important. For example you create things with your interests and influences rather than using your certain knowledge of a niche hobby/ interest to put down others (which some 'geeks' do quite a lot). I'd love to read an episode of this Ben, so I officially request that at some point you knock together something (if you get the time of course!)
I'm not familiar so one question: Is this as good as it sounds?
Big Bang Theory is just not my cup of tea. The IT crowd (mentioned several times in the comments section) rules! My favourite line ever from that tremendous series is below. Enjoy!
Now where do I know Rob Mackley from?!? Very clever Ben, great read and something I would actually watch whole heartedly. I hate that the last bastion of geekhood has been raped by shows like the Big Bang Theory, I realised that sometime ago that there are an infinate number of 'geek types' and that I fall under this category for my love of games and Anime, but the hardcore elite (i.e. those that sacrifice social interactiuon to persue something only they would give a shit about) really do have my respect. They always claim that the cool kids 'don't care what anyone else thinks of them'.... that means that all elite geeks are cool as fuck!
You can never have too much cake.