Hey thanks. I went them because most people do know them. I will put stuff up by them from time to time. I mainly try to put up the more obscure Punk bands so they can get more exposure.
Hey thanks. I went them because most people do know them. I will put stuff up by them from time to time. I mainly try to put up the more obscure Punk bands so they can get more exposure.
Kobain was a huge Husker Du fan, at least that is what his journal said.
I have the Fun House album. If you are into punk that should be the first album you buy IMO.
I am not sure about that either. I do know they did a lot of self promotion even with SST. They were out there putting up their own flyers with paste that they made themselves. I have always had a huge respect for bands that put in that type of work.
Just do not break out the acid washed jeans, lol.
Sure are. I thought I told you that a few months back. LOL. Maybe not, but yea they have a new one coming out.
I am just glad these bands are still around.
Hey, Thanks for stopping by.
I would like a new Cars album myself.
I love you Whores! Code Monkeys is/was an awesome show lol.
LOL, I was watching Dr Who today. The first episode matter of fact. Great Music to.
Oh yeah. He played some on SNL. He was also on the Today show yesterday.