Welp, but it wouldn't be the first plot hole in Metal Gear!
Welp, but it wouldn't be the first plot hole in Metal Gear!
Destiny. I lined up day one to buy the game, only to find repetitive missions and a story that was borderline nonsense. Thankfully, The Taken King and the other DLC was a big improvement and I really like the game now.
$2 well spent haha. Hope you like it, but hey, if you don't at least you didn't break the bank getting it.
I have fond memories playing Wipeout Pulse on PSP in college. I rememeber playing it all day in the college library when I was supposed to be studying! And yeah, what a great soundtrack.
My PSP of 6 years also got a fatal flaw of a busted joystick. Thankfully, my new PSP is working fine.
PS4 has a great future ahead of it, but there are few exclusives that interest me right now.
Good to see someone else who has even heard of Otomedius. I only bought the game because it was dead-cheap in the bargain bin.
Well, 3 months is nothing compared to my hiatus. Sorry to hear about the semester of hell, but good to see you again!
I'm not quite that bad, just when I have lots of time off, I play more games. And the more I play, the more I buy. I'm already thinking of buying a few more because I'm already done with most of these!
I was gonna wait for a price drop, but swapping discs all the time is hard. 2016 will be a great year for PS4 though.
Love the artwork you did for this. Very impressive!
Too bad it's not for console. I don't really play PC games, but I have been itching for some Metal Slug.