James buys games for systems he doesn't have all the time.
James buys games for systems he doesn't have all the time.
I remember the skit from Abbott and Costello but I guess it's an old Vaudeville skit that has been done by a lot of people.
You can copy and paste but you need to use keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl-Ins and Shift-Ins but that's somewhat problematic on a phone.
That was a fun read Bilbs. I like polar bears, but not as much as pandas. :)
You could do a panda blog next.
I'm not good with endless. My brain cannot process the concept. There must be a final goal for me. A "here, you've conquered the game, now you can move on" moment.
Try typing with your nose. :P
I am getting the feeling that there are a lot more smaller independent games coming out on all platforms and I think it's a good thing. There's a lot of acceptance but I see a ton of rejection. I think Machocruz is right in that I should stop taking crap I see on the internet as being a reflection of real life.
I take it Game of War is one of those one note casual phone games?
I think I taught my kids by example. They grew up giving anything a chance and experiencing many different types of games. My son didn't touch a CoD or Halo until he was 18 and wound up getting bored early.