I love super punch out. It has been a little while since i have played it, but I have fond memories of it. If I think of it, I may have to steal the snes from my brother so that I can play it again.
I love super punch out. It has been a little while since i have played it, but I have fond memories of it. If I think of it, I may have to steal the snes from my brother so that I can play it again.
If the gaikai streaming works as Sony hopes it will, you will have the opportunity to catch up. Or at least try to.
That is a pretty solid list. I currently cannot think of anything that would add.
This is what truly bugs me. Gamers, like us will make a stand, but in the end we are probably a minority at this point. Microsoft will most likely make a lot of money off of the masses who want an entertainment box that just so happens to play COD. IGN has its problems, but I like using them for news, same with kotaku. Not a big fan of the editorials and such.
I am just worried by the numbers that IGN used when talking about the ps4 preorders outpacing the xbone. They said 3 to 2. If that is true, Microsoft will still be making a lot of money.
I think that I am going to read up on watch dogs. I would like to have some idea of the game that may become one of the first games that I get for the ps4.
I do love my vinyl records. In all truth you are right, talking about the "future of gaming" is becoming tiresome. I am sorry that I contribute. In reality we shouldn't be worrying about what is going to happen with the ps5 and xbox two and the super wii u. Those consoles are at the very least 5 years away, and if Microsoft's current model fails, it will not become the future.
I do have DQ IX, but I never played it. Too many other, wonderful distractions.
you sir, are making me thirsty.