Really? Self righteous Britta had a personality at least. They already had an idiot in the group, I feel like they didn't need another one.
Really? Self righteous Britta had a personality at least. They already had an idiot in the group, I feel like they didn't need another one.
Meh. Community hasn't been as good since they butchered Chang and Britta in season 3. I mean it was still good, but not amazing in the way the first two seasons were. Season 5 fixed a few of the problems, but it still wasn't amazing. Season 5 has been a bit hit or miss.
Pretty good is an understatement. They did an episode based within an 8 bit mmo with more references than Super Meat Boy. They did an episode based on Dungeons and Dragons. They did an episode with multiple timelines. They did one with zombies. THE SHOW IS THE EPITOME OF GEEK COMEDY!
Yep. It's hugely dickish. HUGELY dickish. Although there is talk that Netflix might pick it up.
It still lasted for 5 seasons. That's pretty good for a show that had fuck all viewers.
Cool. That's actually what I'm working on remixing right now.
Dude, that sucks. That is a really dodgy setup, and honestly I wonder how Microsoft gets away with charging for their online play.
My girlfriend and I are mostly solitary players, but I'm thinking I should change that next time she's down. What do you recommend? I mean, she's a gamer, but prefers story and art over gameplay, her favourite games being Kingdom Hearts, Okami, and Mass Effect.
People who prefer mechanics over story enjoy Bioshock 2 more. People who prefer story like the other two. Personally, I feel the first one is better, but that's because it has more depth in gameplay, has a narrative that not only works on its own, but also as an exploration of objectivist philosophy and a satire of gaming. It's also more of a horror game than the second one, which is basically Indiana Jones with racism and time travel.
At the end of the day, they are both worth playing. They are games every gamer should at least experience. I can't play Bioshock Infinite again because I don't like the mechanics and the more I think about the plot the more it falls apart. However, while you're in the experience, it is one of the best you'll have in gaming. I mean I went out and bought the poster immediately after!
I remember playing Wizardry 8 as a kid. Twas pretty sweet. Have you played Legend of Grimrock? It's like Wizardry 8 but a touch more modernised.