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Playdos's Comments - Page 24

Gaming Plans and Dark Souls (I'm back)

Posted on 04/18/2013 at 12:04 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yea I haven't gotten a chance to get Infinite yet. I have been avoiding all the press release and reviews but it has been hard. I loved the first Bioshock. The story, setting and narrative were just outstanding. It really is a work of art. 

That will be a tough build. I have trouble enough using my character with clubs so I can hardly imagine how difficult it will be to use dagger/bow. But I am excited for your playthrough, hopefully I can pick up a few tricks for my next playthrough. I just beat the Four Kings after trying what seemed to be a million times, so I think I am nearing the end. 

Gaming Plans and Dark Souls (I'm back)

Posted on 04/16/2013 at 09:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Looking forward to the Dark Souls play through. It'll be interesting to see how a veteran plays it. I'm making progress through the game once again. It seems like once you do one thing, it gives you momentum is get through some more. Which bioshock are you playing through, I'm guessing Infinite?

Random Stuff

Posted on 04/14/2013 at 07:27 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Excellent, after being disappointed in the most recent season of Walking Dead. I am looking for a show with a strong narrative. I didn't mind the first two seasons of the walking dead. But the strong narrative structure and character development was lacking in the third season.

Random Stuff

Posted on 04/14/2013 at 05:34 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have only played through the ME 1 and ME 2. The combat in the first one seemed really stiff to me and it took me along time to actually get interested and invested in the game. The autosave system in the game sucks, I lost hours because of it so I feel your pain. The second game is a lot better. Combat is more fluid and enjoyable. And from what I remember they got rid of the vehicle segments as well. 

I have the first season of Game of Thrones and I just haven't gotten to it yet. From what I have heard, its really good.

Character Builds!

Posted on 04/09/2013 at 11:00 AM | Filed Under Blogs

That is awesome though. Nothing beats finding a game that you want to go back to so many times even after beating it. After sinking so many hours into it, its like your child. Especially with all your characters you have a small family going. 

Armadillo Sighting & Gaming Favorites

Posted on 04/08/2013 at 11:41 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yea DK64 was a fantastic game. I feel like that it is overlooked as a platformer by many gamers. It does not receive a lot of mentions and I can't really imagine why. There were a lot of good platformers on the N64; Conker, Banjo Kazooie and Super Mario to name a few. It had a multiple characters to choose from and had great music. It was just fun. 

Armadillo Sighting & Gaming Favorites

Posted on 04/08/2013 at 10:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

This is a tough question. I have honestly never sat down and really thought about what my favorites were. It is interesting to see the gamecube because many gamers I feel, see it as the purple lunchbox that couldn't compete with the xbox or ps2. I personally loved the gamecube. 

For my favorite console I am going to have to go with the N64 just because it was the first console I really played hardcore and got me into gaming. Just the fond memories that it brings to mind, with my sister, brother and I played perfect dark and goldeneye to death. Can't get enough of the multiplayer goodness of the N64.

Favorite game or games is a tough cookie. Pokemon Blue and Pokemon Crystal are probably the top 2. Love Pokemon. Borderlands, Dark Souls, Donkey Kong 64, Viewtiful Joe, Perfect Dark....there are just so many to love and choose from. And I don't really have a favorite character. I might have to think more about these haha.

Character Builds!

Posted on 04/08/2013 at 09:20 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Thats nuts, more than I could ever ask for. Guardian Angel in Dark Souls. Never thought it could be possible.

Character Builds!

Posted on 04/08/2013 at 11:19 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Thanks I don't want to bother you but I will definitely taking you up on that offer. The difficulty is just something you don't find in modern games. LOVE IT!!!!!

Character Builds!

Posted on 04/08/2013 at 10:29 AM | Filed Under Blogs

That is crazy that you have done multiple playthroughs. I'm still on my first and I'm at least 60 hours in. Just yesterday I had been no guiding the whole thing but I finally caved. I was also playing without any assistance from other players. I do have to say it is still one of my favorite games of all time. Haven't played anything as addicting since Diablo 2.

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