I love Legend of Dragoon! I still have my disc copy. Great game.
I love Legend of Dragoon! I still have my disc copy. Great game.
I did have a blue phantom help me defeat a boss that I just could not beat. THAT was cool, I jumped in a couple of his games to help him out. That is the awesome thing about that game.
I got very far in Demon's Souls as well and just never finished it. I always thought getting invaded was exciting at first, but then you get those cheap people that ruin it. Need to start back up again as well. I haven't even touched my copy of Dark Souls.
MGSV: The Phantom Pain was definitely my favorite game shown. Even though they didn't show any gameplay, the new trailer was pretty awesome.
Zelda Wii U, Assassin's Creed: Unity, Smash Bros Wii U, LittleBigPlanet 3, Far Cry 4 and Destiny all looked pretty awesome as well.
I too wish that Sony would bring back some of the old PSX franchises like Medevil, Crash Bandicoot, Jumping Flash...etc. Also would like to see them come up with some new stuff, I was thinking a few days ago about when God of War was first announced and wish they could do something like that again.Syphon Filter could be an interesting revisit. I loved the second game in that franchise alot. How about a Mark of Kri sequel/prequel/reboot? That could be cool. That's what I love about Sony, they are willing to take chances on stuff like that.
An exclusive project with Bungie would be mind blowing, and something the Playstation brand lacks, a triple AAA exclusive FPS other than Killzone.
As far as Super Mario Bros 3 vs. Super Mario World, I always preferred SMB3. I love the secrets and powerups. That game was super original when it came out and still has some of the franchises most interesting worlds IMO.
HOPE TO SEE: Gameplay footage for games we know are coming: Star Wars Battlefront 3, Uncharted 4, Assassin's Creed Unity, The Last Guardian, Batman: Arkham Knight, Kingdom Hearts 3, Final Fantasy XV, Metal Gear Solid 5: Phantom Pain, Mass Effect 4, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Mirror's Edge 2 and Far Cry 4.
SURPRISES/WISHES: Left 4 Dead 3, Demon's Souls' 2 (Project Beast), KOTOR 3, CrashBandicoot (Reboot), Metroid Wii U, Zelda Wii U, Mario Wii U, Star Fox Wii U, Mass Effect Trilogy (Next Gen Upgrade), Tomb Raider 2, NEW IPs
Think I am getting Pikmin 3 as well
Didn't mean to discourage you from Witcher 2, I just wasn't enjoying it. I think the combat is too difficult to understand.
I will check it out. I ordered Mario Kart 8 through them and it has almost been a week and I still haven't received my game, kinda frustrated with that. If the price is good, I can be patient though. I only complain about Mario Kart 8 because I paid full price and could've done that anywhere.
I picked up all the Mass Effect 3 DLC, I was waiting for that to go on sale! I especially wanted the "Citadel" DLC.
I also finally got Ni No Kuni, for $5, that was a steal.
I have never played a Pikmin game, but I am willing to give it a shot, especially since it is free.