Sorry to hear about your friend. Best wishes for him and you.
Sorry to hear about your friend. Best wishes for him and you.
I heard good things about it. Now that most of the source of serious stress from work, more or less, is over I think I can start playing it soon.
I'm just wondering if my gamepad is compatible.
It's almost close to beating Pokemon X in play time.
And there are the co-op missions but again I need to know local people for that. I have yet to check out the Spotpass missions but I might have an idea about what they're about, and I think I have dissapointed myself.
I've never beaten a Zelda game but beaten other RPGs. Thanks.
You should.
Eye problems are not a problem for me, at least for the next five years...
If I ever do get a N3DS I'm not going to transfer my stuff over, unless something really bad happens like the top screen shattering.
But in any case, if I do get one I'm keeping my standard 3DS library on it since the only possible reason for getting it was for the exclusive N3DS games.
Persona Q is another game I need to get back to but I'm on a bit of a RPG break at the moment.