I wouldn't be as into phones if I had to pay for them. The last one I paid for was the Galaxy S II, the rest are work phones that I'm allowed to use for personal.
I wouldn't be as into phones if I had to pay for them. The last one I paid for was the Galaxy S II, the rest are work phones that I'm allowed to use for personal.
Just started finding objects (through side quests) that give you discounts on items and fusions. I had a long streak of good luck yesterday and completed a floor that was taking me forever.
You should. There's a lot too them.
It might but it forces you to fly without a net. If you make sure to burn zombie bodies unless you get in a headshot (i.e. get lucky) you'll have longish periods where you an solve puzzles and explore without fear of death.
We usually get spared a lot of the big stuff here in the Banana Belt. We've only had two largish snowfalls this year, not nearly as bad as last year. I'm pining for the winter we had a couple of years back were we got nothing to speak of all season and were sitting on my mum's front porch in March getting bitten by mosquitos. :)
Come on in, pull yourself up a chair, Let the fun begin it's time to let down your hair.....
LOL. My wife and I watched it religiously on Saturday mornings right after the Smurfs. It was full of jokes only adults would get and kind of surreal in it's intentional tackiness.
If their dad's force them to. Seriously, I know that it's not just tween or young teenage girls who listen to her. That's just who her songs are targeted towards.
Soul Reaver was a great game. I have it on Steam and GOG right now but I think it was based on the PSX version which did not look as good as the Dreamcast.
I have the GC version too but this one is definitely an improvement.