Lol yea but im sure somewhere down the line there going to pull a hard move and put all other systems to shame and they have the power to do it, but with that said if they do remains to be seen.
Lol yea but im sure somewhere down the line there going to pull a hard move and put all other systems to shame and they have the power to do it, but with that said if they do remains to be seen.
Last time i played the hack games i didnt really care for them but when i play them again i will blog about it you can rest asure and beyond good and evil is an awesome game I almost got it on digital onnxbox live but you all know me got to have the game in hand lol.
Cant wait to check out the anime on the two but was happy with my score made me feel better about yesterday lol.
yeppers the original black label cases and i can tell from the hooks they use for the manuals only missing the manual on part 2 but other then that perfect shape.
Yea i had all four once upon a moon but really didnt care for the game itself but im a collector and now i have a reason to get the other two lol.
Yea im still sick i should have drove home got a trade in and got it lol but i was in a company truck and work for the school district so i really couldnt do that, but then i went when i got off and bingo gone go figure but i did get Dokapon Kingdom for 6 bucks so it wasnt all bad.
well as usually it was disc only and scratched so i passed on it but i did get Hack 1 & 2 and Beyond good and Evil all three were in great shape and all but Hack 1 had the manuals but Hack 1 did have mint condition cds and original cover art and Yes i know thoughs are the ones that are more common.
well by the numbers yes but there a family system and family systems sell i mean honestly if i bought my 5 year old a system it would be Nintendo not a 360 or ps3 lol and i own a wii to play with the kids but my system of choice well is and will be a ps2 then the 360 but i do love ps3s rpg and srpg library.
I like to call Nintendo the get by system its never as good as Microsoft and Sony but always does good it gets by but never excells its just the way they roll, I wonder if Nintendo will roll out with a system that puts Xbox and ps3 to shame we all know there fully capable.
Thats how i feel about it I love gaming as well and whatever system impresses me will be the system i get and the funny thing is the system that impresses me the most is the last gen ps2 lol.