I could've sworn when I played the demo version that it gave me an option to change it to 2-D, but it wouldn't let me since it was just the demo version.
I could've sworn when I played the demo version that it gave me an option to change it to 2-D, but it wouldn't let me since it was just the demo version.
The Switch version of DQXI is the only one that has the 16-bit 2-D mode, correct? I think that's the only way I'd play it. :)
If I can beat both Portal games, I know you can!
To me, games are supposed to be fun, and figuring out if a game can work on my computer is not fun. Plus, most of the games I like to play aren't on computers anyway.
You know what's weird is that I started out as a PC gamer. Our first gaming 'system' was actually an Apple ][+. I didn't get an Atari until many years later, and even then it was a 5200.
Yeah the loading times aren't that bad, really. At least it's not like you can play a round of Galaga while Ridge Racer loaded on the PSOne!
Have you ever played Portal? It's the best thing on the Orange Box.
I like how they use taking off from planets and hyperspace as a way to cleverly disguise loading screens. :)
I wasn't impressed with Phantasy Star 2 on one of the collections, but I was very impressed with Phantasy Star 4.
If I had the new DQ game on Switch, I'd play it entirely in 2-D mode.
Well it's been a long time since I played it. I ran away from thieves most of the time because the reward wasn't big enough to spend the time to fight them. Plus I had places to be, planets to save, etc.