Yeah, it's a bit different but you did it right. Both people have to add as friend.
Yeah, it's a bit different but you did it right. Both people have to add as friend.
NES Remix will be worth your while, trust me!
You are not wrong. I hear the Xbox One version is 720p while PS4 is 1080p. Not that I can tell the difference in reality!
I'm joining the cel-shaded bandwagon. Dragon Quest VIII and Ni no Kuni still look fantastic, to name a few others. It's more artstyle than graphics really. Good art will always beat technically good graphics.
Oh yeah. If this is the last Metal Gear game, hardcore fans should be glad they will spend months exploring this game!
Jet Force Gemini has not aged well. It's still fun but prepare yourself for old-school "collect-everything-to-progress" nonsense!
Good to be back. That's too bad you feel that way about Halo 5. I'm such a Halo fanboy though. I even warmed up to Halo 4. At least it's not Destiny, am I right? Right?
Life is good up here. Surprisingly warm for a November!
I miss arcade cabinets.
I considered MGSV to be next-gen, but then I remembered Ground Zeroes looks nearly identical on PS3 and Xbox One. Halo 5 has lots of impressive lighting and loads more detail, IMO. Get going on Phantom Pain though. Even if you haven't played the other Metal Gears, you'll enjoy it and get most of the story.
Rare Replay is a backlog in itself. Best wait for that one. That reminds me, I haven't really checked out Xbox One's new features very much.